Our Services

As companies, governments, and civil society grapple with incorporating youth safety into online experiences, we are here to help. Our extensive industry experience lets us quickly translate impending regulations, changing industry landscapes, and evolving guidance from civil society into tangible product, engineering, policy, and operations solutions.



Plug and play youth product and policy experts for pressing safety, privacy, or age-appropriate challenges. We quickly and effectively integrate with your teams to understand your youth pain points, offer a menu of product, policy, or enforcement remediations, and work with you to launch in time to meet your OKRs.



Industry perspectives on current and upcoming regulatory moves. We provide you with informed, independent counsel on the feasibility, tradeoffs, and implications of proposed regulatory approaches towards protecting young people online.


Civil Society

Practical, industry-informed support for more effective recommendations to protect youth online. We support NGOs, academics, and researchers at different stages of your projects - from designing projects that will have the greatest impact on youth safety online to developing outcomes that are truly implementable and scalable.

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Age-appropriate design

Age assurance & verification

Parental consent & controls

Age-appropriate policies & enforcement

In-app educational interventions

Privacy defaults & settings

Dark patterns & content quality

Youth safety & wellbeing

Child sexual abuse & exploitation

Suicide & self-injury

Eating disorders & body image

Screen time & addictive engagement

Disruptive & norm-breaking behaviors


Pro-social design and engagement

Help-seeking and remediation tactics

Designing for psychological safety

Cheating, fraud, and scams

Social media

Ranking & recommendations

Creator monetization

Brand safety & resilience

AI Models & 3P applications

Safety & privacy by design

Third party developer policies

Parasocial personalization

Transparency & accountability

Direct messaging

Designing for safe anonymous messaging

Top-of-funnel remediations

Discoverability and reachability defaults